Saturday, March 4, 2017


O is 3 today! We had the most themed birthday we've ever put together here; Thomas was on everything from pajamas to presents to the cake. 
I had an extra Thomas engine I had saved for the cake, and he was so excited to see it. "Look, Mama," he squeaked, "TWO Thomases!"

 I decorated his cake with both of them; he insisted. 
And then, later, as he played with his birthday train set, he found his other Thomas. 

...opened the fridge, and added it to the cake all by himself.

 He happily showed me his handiwork. 
So thankful to God, for giving me such. awesome kids. I love my three-year-old!!

A Going Concern

KE is becoming what Kevin calls "a going concern." His crawling skills are gradually improving, and with it, a realization that there are many wonderful things to discover. Tonight, he got into this.  

"Oh, I think I hear someone coming!"

"Quickly! Put them back!"

"She sees me; act nonchalant."

"I just had a little spot on my hand so I got a wipe for myself."

You're Welcome, World.

I just wanted to put this recipe out there; it's the best baked cheesecake recipe I've ever found. I always make a special dessert to celebrate Sundays, and this has been it at least 15 times in the last year. 
We call it "Daddy's Cheesecake," and if you want a piece, you always have to assure Daddy that it is only a very small piece that you want.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Favourite Things

She says she "loves these paints," and "we should keep them forever."
I tell her to make sure to tell her minimalist daddy that these are one of her favourite things. Just in case.


Stand Me Up

KE actually can't do this on his own. Kevin likes to stand him up, and then I'll come around the corner and - Surprise!! 
KE plays along. He thinks it's cool.

In other news, I do believe Kevin has shingles.